StartUP School Bus(iness) Tour
July 27, 2018
When: Friday, July 27th | 5:00 – 9:30 PM
Meet: DK Annex 2727 S. Jefferson Ave. Ste. 207 & 209 St. Louis, MO 63118
Dk Solutions, LLC wants to show entrepreneurs the top co-working spaces and business community resources in the city.
On Friday, July 27th at 5:00-9:30pm DK Solutions, LLC in collaboration with our sponsor Thirvent Financial and partners Social Synergy Project, Brazen STL , Multipass and Small Business Majority will be hosting a Startup School Bus(iness) Tour to area co-working spaces.
We will start with a happy hour at the DK Annex at 5:00-6:00 pm.
We will then hop on an air-conditioned school bus and tour area co-working spaces 6:00-9:30 pm.
We will tour each space and hear a mini presentation from a business professional from the areas of financial literacy, networking, ideation, entrepreneurship.